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Discover Unencrypted Traffic

(AWS Only) Not all the application instances in an AWS VPC run on the TLS protocol. The DevOps Tools Survey shows that the majority of the DevOps tools are not encrypted.

The Discover Unencrypted Flows tool enables you to discover all traffic sent and received by instances in an AWS VPC via the VPC flow log. Then, this tool downloads the VPC flow log files and displays them. It enables VPC flow log in the specified VPC, region and account and creates an S3 bucket to store the flow log files. After the tool receives the first batch of flow log files, it returns the findings and also disables the VPC flow log and removes the S3 bucket created.

Traffic sessions that destined to TCP port 443 (HTTPS) and TCP port 22 (SSH) are excluded from the display.

Note traffic that runs on UDP port 500/4500 are known as IPsec protocol and as such is indeed encrypted, but the tool displays them.

This process typically takes 5 - 6 minutes to complete.