Egress Security Score

The Egress Security Score on the Egress > Overview tab provides information on how well your VPC/VNets are protected by Aviatrix PaaS.


Click Protect VPC/VNets to open the Protected VPC/VNets tab.

Egress Security Score Calculation

  • Egress Score = (Sum of all scores of individual non-ignored VPC or VNets / Total number of non-ignored VPCs) * 100

  • 0 is the lowest score for a VPC/VNet

  • 1 is the highest score for a VPC/VNet

  • Gateway subnets are excluded

  • In AWS, focus on routes that have a next hop of "nat-*".

VPC/VNet State Aviatrix Gateway Criteria (AWS) Definition Score

Not Onboarded


No Aviatrix Gateways

VPC has no Aviatrix Gateways deployed and has direct access to the Internet.



Yes points to the Aviatrix gateway AND there is no Default Deny Rule for the VPC

OR points to Internet Gateway

VPC has Aviatrix Gateways deployed and direct access to the Internet; traffic to Internet is not logged.



Yes points to the Aviatrix gateway AND VPC is in a 'Watch' Rule for Any-Web AND there is no Deny Any-Web Rule for the VPC

VPC has Aviatrix Gateways deployed and traffic to the Internet is being logged.


Partial Protection

Yes points to the Aviatrix Gateway AND there is no Default Deny Rule for the VPC AND the VPC is in another Deny Rule (but not Any-Web)

VPC has some selective traffic to the Internet blocked.


Zero Trust

Yes points to the Aviatrix Gateway AND source VPC; Destination is Public Internet; there is a Deny Rule for the VPC

VPC may have only selective traffic to the Internet allowed.


No Egress

None / Yes

No route in the VPC

VPC does not have direct access to the Internet



None / Yes

Manually set state

VPC is ignored from Egress Score calculation


Include VPC/VNets in the Egress Score

You can include selected VPC/VNets in the Egress Score calculation.

On the Security > Egress > Protected VPC/VNets tab, click the vertical ellipsis 25 next to the VPC/VNet and select Include in Egress Score. The VPC/VNet will be included in the Egress Score calculation.

Ignore VPC/VNets for the Egress Score

You can exclude selected Unprotected VPC/VNets from being included in the Egress Score calculation.

On the Security > Egress > Protected VPC/VNets tab, click the vertical ellipsis 25 next to the VPC/VNet and select Ignore for Egress Score. The VPC/VNet will not be included in the Egress Score calculation.