Aviatrix User VPN with SAML Authentication on Okta IdP


This guide provides an example on how to configure Aviatrix to authenticate against an Okta IDP. When SAML client is used, your Aviatrix CoPilot acts as the Identity Service Provider (ISP) that redirects browser traffic from client to IDP (e.g., Okta) for authentication.

Pre-Deployment Checklist

Before configuring SAML integration between Aviatrix and Okta, make sure the following is completed:

  1. The Aviatrix Controller is deployed.

  2. You have a valid Okta account with admin access.

  3. You have downloaded and installed the Aviatrix SAML VPN client.

Okta Account

A valid Okta account with admin access is required to configure the integration.

Aviatrix VPN Client

All users must use the Aviatrix VPN client to connect to the system. Download the client for your OS here.

Configuration Steps

Follow these steps to configure Aviatrix to authenticate against your Okta IDP:

  1. Create an Okta SAML App for Aviatrix.

  2. Retrieve Okta IDP metadata.

  3. Launch an Aviatrix Gateway.

  4. Create Aviatrix SAML SP Endpoint.

  5. Test that the Integration is set up correctly.

  6. Create Aviatrix VPN User.

  7. Validate.

Creating an Okta SAML App for Aviatrix

This step is usually done by the Okta Admin.

  1. Log in to the Okta Admin portal.

  2. Follow Okta documentation to create a new application.

    Field Value



    Sign on method

    SAML 2.0

  3. General Settings

    Field Value Description

    App name


    This can be any value. It will be displayed in Okta only.

    App logo

    Aviatrix logo

    Aviatrix logo (optional)

    App visibility


    Leave both options unchecked

  4. SAML Settings

    • General

      Field Value

      Single sign on URL

      https://[host]/flask/saml/sso/[SP Name]

      Audience URI (SP Entity ID)


      Default RelayState

      Name ID format


      Application username

      Okta username

      [host] is the hostname or IP of your Aviatrix CoPilot. For example, "https://copilot.demo.aviatrix.live."

      [SP Name] is an arbitrary identifier. This same value should be used when configuring SAML in Aviatrix CoPilot.

    • Attribute Statements

      Name Name format Value











Retrieving Okta IDP Metadata

This step is usually completed by the Okta admin.

After the application is created in Okta, go to the Sign On tab for the application. Then, click View Setup Instructions.

Look for the section titled "Provide the following IDP metadata to your SP provider."


Copy the text displayed. This value will be used to configure the SAML "IDP Metadata URL" field in Aviatrix CoPilot.

You need to assign the application to your account. Please follow steps 11 through 14 at Okta documentation.

Launching an Aviatrix VPN Gateway

This step is usually completed by the Aviatrix admin.

Creating Aviatrix SAML Endpoint

This step is usually completed by the Aviatrix admin.

  1. Go to Aviatrix CoPilot > CloudFabric > UserVPN > select the Settings tab.

  2. Under SAML, click + SAML Endpoint.

  3. Enter the following information:

    Field Value


    SP Name (Use the same name you entered in the Okta Application previously)

    IDP Metadata Type


    IDP Metadata Text

    Value Copied from Okta (Paste the value copied from Okta SAML configuration)

    Entity ID


  4. Click OK.

Testing the Integration

  1. Start the Aviatrix VPN Client.

    If you don’t start the client, you will receive a warning from the browser in the last step of this process

  2. Log into Aviatrix CoPilot > Cloud Fabric > UserVPN > select the Settings tab.

  3. Under SAML, find the SAML endpoint. In the Test column, select the link provided.

  4. You should be redirected to the IdP. Now, you can log in and should be redirected back to CoPilot.

    You will need to assign the new Okta application to a test user’s Okta account before clicking Test.

    Now, you can log in and should be redirected back to CoPilot.

    If everything is configured correctly, once you have authenticated you will be redirected back to CoPilot and the window will close.

Create a VPN User

  1. Create a new VPN user. Use the VPN gateway created above.


  1. Go to Aviatrix CoPilot > CloudFabric > UserVPN > select the Users tab.

  2. Download the configuration for your test user created in the previous step.

  3. Open the Aviatrix VPN Client application.

  4. Click Load Conf and select the file downloaded.

  5. Click Connect.

SAML VPN supports shared certificates. You can share the certificate among VPN users or create more VPN users.

Configuring Okta for Multi Factor Authentication (Optional)

Once you have successfully configured Okta IDP with Aviatrix SP, you can configure Okta for Multi Factor Authentication.

Please read this article from Okta on Multifactor setup.

See this article if you’re interested in using Duo.