Creating an Edge Gateway

To create an Edge Gateway:

  1. Go to Cloud Fabric > Edge > Edge Gateways.

  2. Click + Edge Gateways.

    Provide the following information to set up your Edge Gateway.




    Enter the Edge Gateway’s name here.


    Click on this dropdown menu and select the Cloud Account for this Edge Gateway. You can create and edit Cloud Accounts in CoPilot under Cloud Resources > Cloud Accounts.


    Enter a Site ID to identify an Edge location and an Edge Gateway pair. This Site ID allows you to group multiple Edge Gateways at the same Edge location using the same Site ID.

    Multiple Edge Gateways can be grouped and deployed in Active-Active or Active-Standby mode.

    ZTP File Type

    Click on this dropdown menu and select a ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning) file type for this gateway:

    • iso for an Edge Gateway in VMWare ESXi

    • cloud-init for an Edge Gateway in an open-source Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)


    For IP and DNS settings, enter using the applicable format. For example, if the Edge Gateway’s WAN IP is, enter or what your netmask is.
    Setting Description

    WAN Interface

    Interface CIDR

    Enter the interface IP/mask for the Edge VM WAN interface.

    Default Gateway

    Enter the IP address of the Default Gateway for the Management Subnet.

    LAN Interface

    Interface CIDR

    Enter the interface IP/mask for the Edge VM LAN interface.

    Management Interface

    IP Assignment

    To assign IP addresses in this management interface, select:

    • DHCP to assign dynamic IP address.

    • Static to assign static IP address.

    If you select DHCP:



    Egress IP CIDR (Optional)

    Select the CIDR range for the egress for this management interface.

    Mgmt over Private Network

    Click on this toggle switch to turn it ON if the Edge management connection to the Aviatrix Controller is over a private network. Leave it OFF if the connection is over the public internet.

    If you select Static:

    Setting Description

    Interface CIDR

    Select the Interface CIDR for this management interface.

    Default Gateway

    Select the default gateway for this management interface.

    Primary DNS Server

    Enter the DNS server IP address.

    Secondary DNS Server

    (optional) Enter the DNS server IP address.

    Egress IP CIDR

    Select the CIDR range for the egress for this management interface. This is the public IP to register with the Aviatrix Controller.

    This field adds a security bypass filter rule for the incoming traffic on TCP/443 to your Controller.

    Active Standby

    To set this gateway in Active Standby mode, click the toggle switch to turn it on. Active-Standby mode provides the flexibility on Aviatrix Transit Gateways to connect to on-prem with only one active peering and one backup/standby peering.

    To set this gateway in Active Active mode, leave this toggle switch off. In Active-Active mode, all Edge-to-Transit connections perform load sharing and transit the traffic.

  3. Click Save.

    CoPilot downloads the ZTP .iso file to your downloads folder.

  4. Log in to your ESXi or KVM host and upload the .iso file to a datastore or storage device.

    The .iso file will expire 24 hours after you create it, so you must mount the .iso file to an Edge VM to complete the Edge gateway registration within that timeframe, as you cannot download it again and will have to repeat the above steps.

Next, deploy the Edge virtual machine and attach the ZTP .iso file in the VMware or KVM environment. See Deploy Edge Virtual Machine and Attach ZTP ISO File in Aviatrix Edge 2.0 Workflow documentation.