Egress Traffic Overview

Distributed Cloud Firewall is the preferred way for new customers (using Controller 7.1/CoPilot 3.11 or later) to control Egress traffic.

You should only use Egress in CoPilot if you are not already using the Egress FQDN feature in the Controller. You will have to remove Egress FQDN tags from the Controller to configure Egress in CoPilot.

The Overview tab shows the URLs, domains, and IP addresses that are being accessed, including:

  • Top Rules Hit: Top Egress rules by hit count

  • Top Domains: Top domains matched by Egress rules

  • Top Source IPs: Top sources that have generated the most requests

  • Egress Per VPC/VNet: Top VPC/VNets usage (in %) with Egress enabled

You can filter your Egress statistics based on time period.

You access the Egress page from CoPilot Home > Security > Egress or by typing Egress in the navigation search.