Resizing Gateway Instances Based on Auto Right-Sizing Recommendations

Aviatrix recommends performing Auto Right-Sizing during gateway maintenance periods.

At any time you can change the gateway instance size from Cloud Fabric > Gateways.

When you resize a gateway instance using Auto Right-Sizing, the target size is fixed to match the recommendation, which is based on standard Aviatrix gateway sizing.

You can select more than one gateway instance and perform a bulk resize. You can view the resize operations on the Monitor > Notifications > Tasks tab.

VPC/VNets are monitored for recommendations unless they are excluded in the Auto Right-Sizing Settings.

After resizing a gateway instance, you can go to the Scaling > Events tab to monitor the status of the recommendation.

If a resize fails, the gateway recommendation should become visible again on the Auto Right-Sizing tab if it is still within the same monitoring period, to allow you to try again. If a new monitoring period has started, the latest data will be used to determine whether the recommendation should display.

See Mapping Aviatrix Standard Gateway Sizes to VM Instance Sizes for details on which gateway instance sizes correspond to Aviatrix standard recommendations.

To resize a gateway instance, on the Cloud Fabric > Scaling > Auto Right-Sizing tab, click Resize Now next to a gateway instance.