About Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway


The Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway provides a secure, high-performance networking solution for on-premises to cloud. It enables dynamic routing, end-to-end encryption, segmentation and supports advanced NAT for connectivity to various cloud providers and on-premises environments while providing centralized management and operational visibility.

Does Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway support scalability?

The Edge Spoke Gateway can be scaled horizontally and peered to the Transit Gateway or Edge Transit Gateway across single or multiple clouds and regions.

Does Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway support NAT functions?

For the use case where the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) network CIDR overlaps with the on-premises network CIDR, you can enable customized SNAT and DNAT on the Edge Spoke Gateway to resolve the overlapping CIDR issue.

Does Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway support Local Internet Breakout?

You can set up an Edge Spoke Gateway as the default gateway and enable SNAT to route egress connectivity directly through the NAT interface of the Internet.

How does Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway provide security?

The Aviatrix Hybrid Cloud solution is an extension of the Aviatrix cloud-native networking and security platform which has security built into the data plane.

Security capabilities include:

  • L4 Distributed Firewall

  • Network Segmentation

  • End-to-End Encryption

  • Unified single dashboard for security management.

Does Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway support VLAN connectivity?

The Edge Spoke Gateway supports VLAN connectivity with multiple VLAN interfaces that can be enabled on Edge Gateway with VRRP support.

Aviatrix Hybrid Cloud solution also enables you to segment your on-premises network traffic for your LAN network segments through network domains and connection policies.

How can I do transitive routing with Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway?

You can enable transitive routing on an Edge Spoke Gateway to forward traffic between multiple Transit Gateways that are connected to it.

How can I do transit peering across multicloud with Aviatrix Edge Spoke Gateway?

You can create Transit Gateway peering as a secondary path for forwarding traffic over the public network.